Impacting the World.
Living Our Faith Every Day: Updates and Inspo from Empowering Everyday Women
Welcome to the Empowering Everyday Women blog, where we share stories of God's work through our ministry, updates on our initiatives, and the real challenges and victories we encounter while serving communities of faith. Here you'll find inspiration from the field, news about our outreach programs, and ways to join us in making a difference. We're grateful to have you as part of our journey.

Support Needed: 'Plus One' campaign to fight hunger during COVID-19 pandemic extended
As you may be aware, many families are still suffering and need our help urgently due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Food banks are struggling to meet the demands. That’s why we are extending our Plus One Campaign, that began in March, through May and June. Please help us fight hunger.

Empowering Everyday Women launches its ‘Feed 5,000’ Thanksgiving Food Drive
One in nine people in the U.S. might not know where their next meal is coming from, and Empowering Everyday Women, Inc. is pleased to launch its Feed 5,000 Thanksgiving Food Drive. From Oct. 30 through Nov. 20, a percentage of donations will go toward feeding those in need through local food banks.

Regional 'charity day' helps hundreds thanks to ministry partners, volunteers
An event planned and organized by our award-winning ministry founder, Dianna Hobbs, began with praise and worship and ended with taking the gospel to the streets through action. The regional charity day served the needs of hundreds in the Western New York area, Thursday, Sep. 26, 2019.