Empowering Everyday Women Ministries, Inc. is a non-denominational ministry that is open to all, and we teach that salvation can be obtained by anyone willing to believe and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We invite you to learn more about our faith which guides everything we do.

What We Believe
We believe in the absolute authority of the Bible, asserting that Scripture is inerrant and the only true standard for what Christians should believe and how they should live. We are deeply committed to faithfully proclaiming the truth of the Gospel. We believe that all 66 books of the Bible are given to us by the Holy Spirit and that the Bible is God's written revelation to humanity. It is, therefore, the infallible truth and final authority in all matters.
We believe in the Godhead. There is only one true and living God who is perfect in all His ways, all-powerful, all-knowing, and eternally exists in three Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the absolute and sovereign ruler of the universe.
We believe that Jesus Christ, the second Person of the Trinity, is God, coequal with the Father. Our redemption from sin is possible solely through His shed blood and sacrificial death. We believe He was raised from the dead, and that salvation comes only through faith in His redemptive work—not by our own efforts. We also believe in the healing power of Christ’s blood to cure all diseases, granted through faith-filled prayer in alignment with His perfect will.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. His work in this age began at Pentecost when He came from the Father as promised by Christ (John 14:16-17; 15:26). We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as described in Acts 2:4, which is granted to believers who ask for it. By His indwelling, we are sanctified, instructed in the ways of Christ, empowered for service, and enabled to live holy and separated lives in this present world.
We await the imminent rapture of the Church, a testament to our faith in Christ's return. This event precedes His second coming, where He will establish a reign of peace. We also believe in the gift of eternal life for believers, a future without suffering, and the fulfillment of God's promise. Our lives are thus lived in joyful anticipation of our eternal home with Christ.
We hold the conviction that God's power is not confined to the pages of Scripture; miracles did not cease with the closing of the biblical canon. We affirm that the same God who performed wondrous acts throughout the Bible continues to operate in the realm of the miraculous today. Our belief is rooted in the promise found in John 14:12-18, where Jesus assures us that those who believe will also do the works He has done and even greater. It is this living faith that invites the active, supernatural demonstration of God's power in the lives of believers.
Are You Seeking Salvation?
If you're ready to welcome Jesus Christ into your life today, praise the Lord. Romans 10:9-10 provides a guide to accepting Him: "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." Embrace this truth by:
Acknowledging your need for forgiveness as a sinner.
Proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
Trusting in His death and resurrection for your salvation.
Inviting Christ to dwell in your heart.
Pray This Prayer of Commitment:
If you're prepared to take this step, you can pray the following prayer:
"Dear Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of Your grace. I confess with my mouth that You are the Lord and believe in my heart that God raised You from the dead. I trust in Your sacrifice for my sins and ask You to enter my life. Forgive me, cleanse me, and guide me as I commit to follow You. I yearn to grow in Your love and grace each day. In Jesus' name, Amen."
If you've prayed this prayer, tell us about it. We rejoice with you for joining the family of Christ! We encourage you to share your new faith with others and to connect with a Bible-believing church to nurture your spiritual journey.