Hunger Campaign Update: We are profoundly grateful to you
“You shouldn’t just say, ‘I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat.’ What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help?” (James 2:16 CEV)
Empowering Everyday Women Ministries believes in saying something, and more importantly, doing something about the practical needs of others who struggle in their daily lives. At this moment in history, unemployment rates, food insecurity and poverty rates are skyrocketing in America and around the world due to the spread of COVID-19, first declared a global pandemic in March 2020.
Since that time, our nonprofit team sprang into action and launched a hunger relief initiative to help food banks meet the rising demands and shrinking supplies. With your generosity and help, we have been able to give life-saving support to organizations feeding families in need.
Empowering Everyday Women provides global humanitarian aid, partnering with organizations around the world to feed children and improve quality of life while spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
As you may know, many food banks are seeing increases in requests for emergency assistance – some doubling the number of requests. Hundreds of thousands have been relying on this assistance to get through one of the toughest times in recent history. And that’s why Empowering Everyday Women is profoundly grateful to you, our generous donors and the many sponsors and partners who helped make our 2020 hunger campaign a success.
We will continue our humanitarian work in America and around the world, effecting change in the lives of those who need it most. Please continue to partner with us, and join our efforts to make a huge difference. Thank you in advance for sowing seeds of love.